Recent PhD Graduates/Students
Steve Adams (PhD in May 2023)
Investigating production of silt and dust using laboratory experiments to replicate natural processes. Recently conducted experiments to determine efficacy of silt produced via eolian saltation in desert dune fields (Published in Geology, 2020). Currently studying dust-sized particle production by saltation inside a newly designed eolian abrasion chamber and dust-sized particle production with experiments simulating glacial grinding. Research interests include the influence of eolian dust on climate feedbacks, planetary geology, human space exploration, developing new tools for geoscience education, and sustainable development linked to geoscience. — Steve’s Personal Website
Alicia Bonar (PhD in May 2023)
Alicia’s current research focuses on 1) silt generation in modern soils from various climates, 2) impacts of atmospheric dust on the formation of organic-rich mudrocks, and 3) Neoproterozoic loess deposits. Her research methods include applied sedimentology, stratigraphy, sedimentary petrology, geochronology, and organic/inorganic geochemistry. Alicia is particularly interested in understanding the paleoclimatic and tectonic histories of southwestern Laurentia during the late Paleozoic. — Alicia’s Personal Website
Austin McGlannan (PhD expected May 2024)
MS Students– In Progress
Karen Valles
Mackenzie Flynn
Danielle Brunig
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